Shepherd is now! Same company, new name.
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Support Shepherd is Now

A message from our founder, Marshall Haas.
Today is a milestone for our company, one rooted in a journey we started nearly four years ago. I'm excited to share that Shepherd is now

When we began, I honestly didn't anticipate quite how fast our business, and more importantly, the entire world of work would change. 

When I started Shepherd, I'd been working with outsourced teams for 10 years.

Back then, remote work was still a niche concept. Many of the entrepreneurs in my network weren't aware of the quality of talent one can access overseas or that it was possible to hire remotely.

We started Shepherd because we were passionate about connecting businesses with talented individuals regardless of location.

The pandemic only highlighted and accelerated the need for remote talent.

Suddenly, those 'niche' concepts of remote work became essential. Our name, Shepherd, started to feel less and less aligned with our expanding vision. 

We've always believed the best talent can be found anywhere, and it was time our brand reflected that.

Somewhere is More Than Just a Name embodies so much of where we're headed and the values we hold dear:

  • Global opportunity. We're about unlocking the potential of the global workforce. Businesses shouldn't be constrained by geography, and talented individuals shouldn't be limited by their zip code.
  • Remote work done right. Remote work offers incredible benefits – flexibility, cost-savings, access to diverse talent pools – but only when done thoughtfully.

    We want to be a resource for best practices and strategies, not just a place to find talent.

We've heard amazing stories from our clients and the talent they've hired:
  • Thanks to affordable global teams, startups are scaling faster than they'd ever imagined.
  • Remote employees are earning more than they ever could locally, with flexibility to care for their families.
  • Businesses finding developers overseas with specialized skills unavailable in their own region.

The future of work IS remote; that much is clear. 

And the shift benefits everyone, not just the biggest corporations.

New Leadership

We've also made some exciting changes to our leadership team to usher in this new chapter of our business.

Nick Huber, a minority shareholder since 2022, recently acquired a controlling interest in the company. Nick and I have built a ton of mutual trust over the years, so I’m excited to see where he’ll take the business.

I’m also stepping down as CEO. In my place, we’ve hired Petar Nedyalkov. He joins us from, where he was their COO. Petar has a ton of leadership experience and a long history of coaching junior talent into capable leaders. He’s the right man to lead us through the next chapter of growth.

We've always envisioned a platform that breaks down borders, and with Nick at the helm alongside Petar, is poised for an exciting journey.

Challenges and Our Commitment

Of course, remote work presents unique challenges: communication across time zones, building a remote culture, and evolving management styles. 

However, I believe that with our renewed commitment, along with our new leadership team, Somewhere can grow beyond being a hiring platform. We can become a partner dedicated to helping our clients build thriving remote teams.

This is about more than a new name. 

It's a commitment to staying ahead of the curve and being a true leader in the new world of work.

Joemer and I started the business just 4 years ago in April 2020 with nothing. 

It has been a wild ride to say the least!

Thank you for coming along – this is just the start of our journey Somewhere.

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