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When Do You Need a Head Hunting Agency?

How can you tell whether you need help from a head hunting agency? Here are the signs you should watch out for.
Tired of reviewing resume after resume, only to have a grand total of zero prospects? Can’t seem to find anyone willing to work for you full-time? Maybe this is the universe dropping hints to hire a head hunting agency like Somewhere.

What is a head hunting agency?

A head hunting company helps businesses find top talent.

At Somewhere, for example, we take care of the entire recruitment process — from posting job ads and screening applications to shortlisting candidates and facilitating interviews. Once our clients pick and hire the best person for the job, we hand over the relationship to them and the candidate becomes a full-fledged member of their team.

Somewhere has helped hire almost 2,000 Filipino virtual assistants (and counting) for US businesses. Here are just some of the industries we serve:

  • Marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Real estate
  • IT services
  • Logistics

Related: The Benefits of Using a Head Hunting Agency to Fill Remote Positions

7 signs you should hire a head hunting company

If you can relate to one or more of the following, then you’ll definitely benefit from using a head hunting company:

You tried the usual job boards but didn't find a good match

If you’ve had no luck finding a promising candidate despite posting on Upwork or Fiverr, you may have two issues.

One, your job description might need more work. Or two, the job boards you’ve been using allow anyone to sign up without proper screening.

If you’re confident the problem isn’t because of the job ad you wrote, then you’ll need a head hunting agency to connect you with the qualified leads you’re seeking.

Here’s how our head hunters at Somewhere screen candidates:
  • Resume review: In this stage, we check whether an applicant’s educational background, work experience, and skills fit the bill. Many applications don’t go beyond this round.
  • Assessment test: All candidates that pass the resume review take a grammar and reading comprehension test. This measures their overall English communication skills. Other roles, like multimedia designers or video editors, may also require a technical exam.
  • Behavioral interview: This is how we assess a candidate’s personality and whether they match your company’s values and culture.
  • Reference and background check: We conduct this after you shortlist your favorite applicants. It’s to make sure they are who they say they are.

You’re ready to hire full-time employees

So, you have enough tasks to delegate and have the budget to provide benefits on top of a decent salary. The decision is settled — it’s full-time all the way. No more part-timers.

But here’s the thing: hiring full-time employees (FTEs) is on a whole different level than working with freelancers on a project basis. And we don’t just mean in terms of salary.

You also have to consider how compatible they are with your culture and what the long-haul situation will be like. If you’re looking for FTEs who will stay with you for years, you’ll need to make sure you hire people willing to make that commitment.  

While there’s no way to be 100% certain about that, a head hunting agency can help you sift through potential red flags and find the kind of individuals you want on your team. It can be as basic as asking “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” or reading between the lines.

Related: Why Hiring Full-Timers Makes More Sense for Your Company

Your onshore team is drowning in work and needs support

Unmet deadlines. New projects put on the back burner for pending tasks. Yet another team member out of commission for the week.

If these aren’t indications your team is struggling, we don’t know what to tell you. So we’ll let research do the talking. According to a study by the American Institute of Stress, 41% of employees say workload is the main reason behind their stress at work. And when your team is under pressure, it manifests in regular overtime, backlogs, and health issues.

As a business owner, you can’t ignore these signs. Work with a head hunting agency to give your team the support they need ASAP. Adding manpower won’t just help your company — it also shows your team that you care about their well-being.

Bonus: using remote employees is a low-cost and low-risk way to augment your current team. By saving as much as 80% in hiring costs, you’ll be able to expand your team with little financial risk.

Related: How much can you save when you hire overseas?

You’ve been burned by bad VAs

Have war flashbacks every time you think of that VA who didn’t even last two weeks in your company?

Don’t let that one individual stop you from hiring virtual assistants entirely. There are plenty of good ones out there. It’s just a matter of separating the qualified from the unqualified.

That sounds like a tall order, but it’s easy when you get a head hunting agency to help you out.

Here at Somewhere, we vet dozens of applications for our clients, paying special attention to experience and both soft and hard skills. We make sure you hire someone who has both the technical expertise the role needs and the personality that makes them fit your culture.      

You’re having difficulty filling a specialized or senior role

Finding someone to fill a senior or highly specialized position is even more challenging than hiring a general virtual assistant. Aside from the months spent screening and interviewing, there’s also the issue of salary. More experienced and skilled professionals want a higher asking price.

This can be a challenge if you focus your search on local candidates. But if you hire a remote employee from the Philippines, it’s way more possible. Filipino workers don’t only cost 80% less than local counterparts. They’re just as skilled and talented.

All you need is a head hunting company to help you find the best of the best.

At Somewhere, we have a track record of filling roles like creative directors, heads of supply chain, and Google Ads specialists. We can certainly do the same for your senior role vacancies.

Related: Why Business Owners Love Working With Filipino Virtual Assistants

You need to hire an assistant but don't require an in-house recruitment team yet

Need assistance with appointment setting, inbox management, and some basic data entry? If that’s the case, a single virtual assistant can handle all that and you can just use a head hunting agency to help you fill the position.  

You’ll only need an in-house recruitment team once your company expands and is constantly hiring.  

You just don’t have the time

The hiring process is a long and winding journey, especially when you’re a CEO juggling meetings, clients, and your personal life. If you want to hire a new employee but can’t spare a minute to do the screening yourself, a head hunting agency narrows down the search and saves you time.

We already have a database of vetted talents, so our team can immediately get in touch with people who meet your job expectations. The only thing you have to do is tell us about the role you need to fill. It’s that simple.  

Ready to add top overseas talent to your team?

Hiring is tough, but hiring somebody living across the globe? That’s even tougher.

That’s all in a day’s work for a head hunting company, though.  

With professional head hunters in charge of scouting and shortlisting candidates, you can keep your energy on the things only you can do instead of spending your free time on job boards.

If you’re ready to work with a head hunting agency, get in touch with our team at Somewhere today.

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